Emotional Prostitution...??!! 😨😨, a term that so many of us would be quick to evade and say I know not such, it's an infirmity that is not easy to accept that you've been diagnosed with. It's not a disease that affect only the Singles but also those relating and even those in Marriage. The term is defined by dissecting and Grinding the two words that constitute it, i.e Simply Being Emotionally Connected to so many people of the opposite Sex in a context pinned to Eros.

 It's having Many pieces of your Emotional Constitution all over and every where, such that you feel as if "Thou art in Love with Y'them all'. It manifests itself in: - Not being able to settle with one person effectively and daily Falling for this or that Person. 

It comes with spending alot of unaccounted time with a person. It's a child of LUST and is connected to Greediness and Selfishness. People that have been diagnosed with this infirmity cannot and will never sustain any Relationship Authentically and Biblically. So many of us are Emotional Prostitutes, we have so many relationships inscribed on our souls with different partners, we can hardly go a week without a Crush, a spot and falling for this or that.. Our relationships are dying because of this.. Our spiritual lives are daily drowning and being deserted We can hardly think of Biblical Accountability... Leave alone Sustaining healthy relationships with our peers, because We have them all in our souls as "Girlfriends And Boyfriends ". Friends this is a dangerous path a bottomless pit that can bear "Mind Fornication and all forms of Immorality. 

If you want to be FREED and constantly be Liberated from this Menace , The Scriptures ONLY offer an antidote labelled Mind Renewal, Apostle Paul say Romans 12: [2]And do not be *conformed* to this world, but be transformed by the //renewing of your mind//, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.(NASB). 

Mind renewal is not filling your mind with so many Scriptures but rather it's having moments of deep intercourse with the Spirit of God that all the tunnels of your souls are cleansed and you begin to hear God more n more. It's through the Scriptures by the Holy Spirit .

Let's all Subscribe to this Medication and Our lives will be healed, Yahweh will guide us to that one Spouse that We will Love Biblically and Our Eros life will Blossom producing Fruits and a garden of Deep Sweet Spiritual Scent.


  1. You hit the nail in this.. great stuff

  2. Velma, this is a fresh piece of writing that offers an insightful perspective into the moral dilemma that most people are grappling with in the modern times. I'm hopeful, many people, especially those who are desirous to “divorce emotional immorality” will find this piece a welcome engagement towards cultivating an authentic, sustainable and purposeful relationship with not only fellow (wo)men but most importantly, with the Almighty God! This is awesome. Keep it up, Velma! -----Patrick Amunavi

  3. Mind renewal is not filling your mind with so many Scriptures but rather it's having moments of deep intercourse with the Spirit of God that all the tunnels,so true .loving every single bit of these. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

  4. This is a serious desease that needs purging...

    It's a child of LUST and is connected to Greediness and Selfishness. People that have been diagnosed with this infirmity cannot and will never sustain any Relationship Authentically and Biblically. So many of us are Emotional Prostitutes, we have so many relationships inscribed on our souls with different partners, we can hardly go a week without a Crush, a spot and falling for this or that.. Our relationships are dying because of this.. Our spiritual lives are daily drowning and being deserted We can hardly think of Biblical Accountability... Leave alone Sustaining healthy relationships with our peers, because We have them all in our souls as "Girlfriends And Boyfriends ". Friends this is a dangerous path a bottomless pit that can bear "Mind Fornication and all forms of Immorality

  5. Deep stuff right there may God help us.


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