According to U.C Davis Health, A person with low self-esteem feels unworthy, incapable, and incompetent. It is so unfortunate that many are affected. What are some of the reasons young people experience low self-esteem? What should one do to overcome this state and how can we help each other as friends, family, a community? Let’s look at these.

What are some of the reasons young people experience low self-esteem?
I like using my example so that we can perhaps relate with or even learn from my experience. At some point in my life I’ve ever been a victim of low self-esteem. That time I was still little. I grew up with my elder sister and my younger sister who have a lighter skin complexion compared to me. My mother had some sort of face cream that I applied for some time.. Then I was in high school- form one, form two thereabout. Months went by then the worst happened. My facial skin tone started changing to a lighter one. This made me feel humiliated especially when I could walk around and hear whispers that I looked distinctively lighter on my face than the other parts of my body. All through, l faced so much criticism till I developed stress. I threw away the cream and later on got my skin color back. After giving my life to Christ, God made a way for me to know what true beauty of a woman entails. That aside now, what are some of  reasons young women suffer low self-esteem?

Lack of confidence in one’s physical appearance: This may be your skin color, body shape and other ‘defects’.

Lacking a good command in English: Some women might not be articulate in the way they express themselves so it may make them feel inferior and cause them to keep to themselves.

Inability to make friends: This may make someone withdrawn and so one may feel like no one cares.

Financial capabilities: Due to the emergence of various trends, many people would want to keep up with what’s new and especially for the young women. Some will even go to the

extent of stealing just to show that they can afford certain things.

Social status: If one comes from a middle or low social class, they may tend to feel intimidated by those of a higher social status than them. This creates competition just like in the case financial capabilities.

How to overcome and help one another heal from low self esteem

Seek God and let Him work on your heart
Have time to at least read the word of God and know how God values, loves and cares about you. Pray that God may forgive you if you once disregarded your looks and sort for crafty ways of changing your appearance, like for instance, using some enhancers to enlarge your body shape. He is faithful to forgive you and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.

Know your identity is in God
God tells us that everything He created was beautiful, we are fearfully and wonderfully made and also that He made us in His image and likeness. Why should you then put your focus on what other people say about you?

Read books, watch movies or cartoons that edify and improve your English through them.
I am particularly not a book person so I instead watch news, movies, or listen to persons who are fluent in speech. I also watch cartoons since the English used is simple. Without any interest, you will not improve.

Be social
Know people, create a room to mingle with other people and grow socially. Learn how to interact with people and by that you grow.

Be content
Humble yourself before God. Trust that at His own timing He will lift you up. Don’t compare your life with that of the other people. Just be content with both little and much. Also, pray that God will be able to guide you on being a good steward of the resources you have especially money.


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